Set up your business in Cyprus today

Cyprus is an attractive destination for a business looking to establish a company in the EU.
Being a digital oasis for IT business, Cyprus offers a pro-business environment, competitive
tax rates, and access to a skilled workforce.

Every year, the jurisdiction is increasingly striving to become one of the main European
business centers and does everything possible to obtain this status.

Is Cyprus good for your business?

Cyprus as a jurisdiction can be suitable for various types of
business and company’s operations

  • Software development companies
  • Merchants
  • Holding companies
  • Intellectual Property Holding
  • Tech Start-Ups
  • E-Commerce
  • Payment agents
  • Forex companies
  • FinTech companies
  • Investment Companies

Advantages of
Cyprus Business Setup


Strategic Geographical

Cyprus serves as a bridge between three continents, making it an ideal strategic location for businesses looking to access and expand into European, Middle Eastern, and African markets. Its proximity to key global markets provides unparalleled opportunities for international trade and business expansion.


EU Membership

As a member of the European Union (EU) and SEPA, Cyprus provides businesses with access to the EU’s single market and various trade agreements. This membership grants companies the advantage of free movement of goods, services, capital, and skilled labor within the EU, facilitating business growth and market expansion. Access to international financial institutions and a developed local banking sector with world-class banks


Favorable Tax

Cyprus boasts one of the most attractive tax systems in Europe, featuring a low corporate tax rate of 12.5%. Additionally, it offers various tax incentives and exemptions, including no taxation on dividends and interest received from overseas, fostering a tax-efficient environment for businesses. IT companies can benefit from exemptions on profits generated from the disposal of intellectual property, such as patents and copyrights.


Robust Legal and
Regulatory Framework

Cyprus has one of the most business-friendly environments in the world. Cyprus maintains a robust and transparent legal system aligned with EU directives, ensuring stability and predictability for businesses. The process of company incorporation is relatively straightforward, with minimal bureaucracy and effort involved. Moreover, you do not need to be physically present on the island to incorporate a company – Cyprus offers a convenient remote procedure.


Skilled Workforce
and Infrastructure

Cyprus is home to a highly educated and multilingual workforce, providing a skilled talent pool adept at meeting diverse business needs. Moreover, the country offers modern infrastructure, reliable telecommunications, and well-established business amenities, supporting seamless operations for businesses of all scales. English and Greek are the official languages, so you won’t have any communication difficulties.